District 22 Officers and Committee Chairs
Below is a list of the Officers and Committee Chairs and names of people in those roles. To see
the responsibilities of a role, click in the box, the role is located.
District Committee Member (DCM): Kyle A
The A.A. Service manual states that "While the GSR is the voice of the group, the DCM is the voice of the district". The DCM provides a link between the Area and the district. Some of the DCM duties are:
The DCM serves a 2 year term
See the A.A. Service Manual for further details about the DCM responsibilities
- Regularly hold district meetings. DCMs should provide a report at each meeting about business at the area and G.S.O. levels
- Disseminate information to the GSRs from the area and delegate. Solicit group feedback from GSRs on area proposals or questions from G.S.O.
- Regularly attend the area assemblies (3 per year)
- Regularly attend the area committee meetings (4 per year)
- Reach out to groups within the district that do not have GSRs.
- Help mentor GSRs on their role, where to find information they need to perform their job.
The DCM serves a 2 year term
See the A.A. Service Manual for further details about the DCM responsibilities
Alternate DCM: Kelly S
The Alternate serves as a backup for the DCM. Should the DCM be unable to attend a district meeting, area assembly or area committee meeting, the alternate can step in. The alternate can vote on behalf of the district at an area assembly or committee meeting. The alternate is the only person who can vote in the absence of the DCM.
In addition to their responsibilities at the District level, the Alternate DCM is a member of the Area Structure Committee which meets 4 times a year at the Area Committee Meeting.
The Alternate DCM serves a 2 year term
In addition to their responsibilities at the District level, the Alternate DCM is a member of the Area Structure Committee which meets 4 times a year at the Area Committee Meeting.
The Alternate DCM serves a 2 year term
Secretary: Elias F
The Secretary should attend all District meetings and has the responsibility of recording the minutes of each District meeting. The Secretary should provide a digital copy of the minutes prior to the following month’s District meeting to the District Website Chair to post on the District website, and have paper copies available at the following month’s meeting.
The Secretary serves a 2 year term.
The Secretary serves a 2 year term.
Treasure: Bob D
The Treasurer handles all monies for the District, keeping records of contributions and disbursements. The Treasurer should attend all District meetings and provide a monthly financial report for review at each District meeting. In addition the Treasurer should provide the District Website Chair a digital copy of the financial report to be posted on the District website and have paper copied of the report available at District Meetings.
The Treasurer also prepares a yearly budget for the District which is presented to the District at the November District meeting for review.
In addition the District Treasurer traditionally serves as the District Finance Chair and serves on the Area Finance Committee, which meets 4 times each year at the Area Committee Meeting.
The Treasurer serves a 2 year term.
The Treasurer also prepares a yearly budget for the District which is presented to the District at the November District meeting for review.
In addition the District Treasurer traditionally serves as the District Finance Chair and serves on the Area Finance Committee, which meets 4 times each year at the Area Committee Meeting.
The Treasurer serves a 2 year term.
Committee Chairs
Accessibilities: Cat R.
Accessibilities Committees explore, develop, and offer resources to alcoholics with significant barriers to receiving the Alcoholics Anonymous message and to participating in our program of recovery. We want A.A. to be available to all alcoholics who reach out for it.
Committees focus on:
- Projects that support members with a variety of accessibility challenges
- Communications that keep the public and appropriate agencies informed about A.A. accessibility
- Providing resources and guidance to groups so that they can accommodate all A.A. members
Committees focus on:
- Projects that support members with a variety of accessibility challenges
- Communications that keep the public and appropriate agencies informed about A.A. accessibility
- Providing resources and guidance to groups so that they can accommodate all A.A. members
Archives: OPEN
Archives Committees work to collect, preserve and share the history of A.A.
Committee members:
Committee members:
- Conduct A.A. Archives workshops
- Create portable archives exhibits to display at local A.A. events
- Ask groups to complete Group History forms to capture local A.A. history
Corrections: Kim F.
Members of Corrections Committees coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups to
carry the message of recovery to alcoholics who are in custody.
Committees focus on:
carry the message of recovery to alcoholics who are in custody.
Committees focus on:
- Bringing meetings and literature into facilities
- Raising awareness of the Corrections Correspondence Service (C.C.S.) inside and outside A.A. members
- Helping individuals in custody transition to a local A.A. community through Prerelease Contacts
CPC: Roy E.
Members of C.P.C. committees inform professionals and future professionals about A.A.
Committees focus on:
Committees focus on:
- Establishing better communication with professionals working with alcoholics
- Finding simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating
- Explaining clearly what A.A. does and doesn’t do
The District Finance Chair should be a member of the Area 36 Finance Committee which meets 4 times each year at the Sea Committee Meetings. The Area Finance Committee
- Reviews Area Financial records and status with the Area treasurer at each committee meeting
- Assist with the preparation of the Area Budget
- Review and update area financial guidelines
Be present at all District 22 Meetings, Area Service Meetings,
Workshops, Area Assemblies. (District Mtgs. and Area Service Mtgs.)
Inform groups about Grapevine and explain what it is.
Let AA members know what else the Grapevine Produces.
Workshops, Area Assemblies. (District Mtgs. and Area Service Mtgs.)
Inform groups about Grapevine and explain what it is.
Let AA members know what else the Grapevine Produces.
- Ask who does not receive the Grapevine and pass out order cards.
- Set up Grapevine Display at District Meetings and District Workshops.
- Be willing to go to meetings to talk about the Grapevine.
- Explain the Grapevine Magazines Uses. (Ex: For Yourself, Treatment Centers, Correctional Facilities, Doctor Offices, Dental Offices)
Be present at all District 22 Meetings, Area Service Meetings,
Workshops, Area Assemblies. (District Mtgs. and Area Service Mtgs.)
Contact all New GSR’s and give them the District GSR
orientation packet.
All GSR’s and Committee Members in the district should be updated at
District, Area, and GSO. Become Familiar with the Area and GSO forms.
Pass around a sign-up sheet to keep a tally on attendance, changes of
address and what meetings are participating. (This can also show
turnover or stability)
Stay In Contact with the Area Group Records Chairperson.
Workshops, Area Assemblies. (District Mtgs. and Area Service Mtgs.)
Contact all New GSR’s and give them the District GSR
orientation packet.
All GSR’s and Committee Members in the district should be updated at
District, Area, and GSO. Become Familiar with the Area and GSO forms.
Pass around a sign-up sheet to keep a tally on attendance, changes of
address and what meetings are participating. (This can also show
turnover or stability)
- Make sure all groups are registered with GSO and if not let them know the advantages or disadvantages of registering.
- Make sure all groups are up to date with the West Central Directory.
- Make any corrections and send off to GSO.
- Pass around a sign-up sheet for AAs willing to be on the Group Records Committee.
Stay In Contact with the Area Group Records Chairperson.
Literature Committees
Literature Committees ensure A.A. literature is available for A.A. groups, service meetings and other A.A. events.
Committee members:
Literature Committees ensure A.A. literature is available for A.A. groups, service meetings and other A.A. events.
Committee members:
- Conduct A.A. literature workshops
- Provide displays, supplies of A.A. catalogs and order forms
- Consider proposed additions to and changes in Conference-approved literature and audiovisual material
Prepare a periodic newsletter concerning events and other topics of interest for A.A. members. Provide the newsletter to the District Website Chair for posting on the District 22 Website.
Members of Public Information Committees convey A.A. information to the general public.
Committees focus on:
Committees focus on:
- Giving presentations about A.A to schools and organizations.
- Providing information about A.A. through digital and print materials.
- Insuring local media have accurate information about A.A. through PSAs, anonymity-protected
- interviews and press kits.
Members of Treatment Committees work to carry the A.A. message into treatment settings where
suffering alcoholics, and the professionals who treat them, may be introduced to A.A.
Committee members:
suffering alcoholics, and the professionals who treat them, may be introduced to A.A.
Committee members:
- Bring the message of hope for recovery to alcoholics in a variety of treatment settings
- Demonstrate to administrators and staff “how it works” and are instruments of attraction to the A.A.
- program. Provide information about A.A., as well as literature and guidelines for setting up A.A. meetings in treatment facilities and outpatient settings
The Website Chair is responsible for:
- Uploading the Meeting Agendas, Meeting Minutes and Treasure Report each month.
- Ensure content on the District website is current
- Update content on website for upcoming A.A. events
- Should be present at all District Meetings.